
Job Hacking OS

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Job Hacking OS


Job hunting is hard.

Interviewing is not a science, it's an art.

Preparing well for an interview can drastically change the success rate of getting a job offer. There are a lot of guides and books out there, but nothing practical.

After realizing all of the mistakes I made in my 13 year career as a candidate and hiring manager, I've decided to build this OS so to help out others too.

Some modules:

  • Find your Objectives
  • Habit Tracker
  • Job Application Tracker
  • CV Optimization
  • Interview Questions
  • Portfolio Builder
  • Company Research

P.S. If you're new to Notion, don't worry, I've made it really easy with a configuration guide.

If you find it useful and want to give back, please consider subscribing to my newsletter

The Chase - Future of Work and Tech Careers - https://thechase.substack.com/

Follow me on Twitter - https://twitter.com/matteocellini

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